This plugin integrates with Google Analytics. It keeps track of statistics about the visitors and ecommerce conversion on your website.
- License key: Paste your license key here.
- ID: Paste your Google Id here.
- Tracking code: The tracking code generated by Google is already defined. {GOOGLEID} and {CUSTOMER_TRACKING} will be dynamically replaced.
Enable eCommerce: Check, if you want send information about orders to Google eCommerce feature.
- Include Tax: Check, if you want to include tax when generating tracking code.
- Include customer ID: Check to include the customer id to the tracking code (script).
- Enable 'Add to cart': Measures an item being added to a shopping cart by user.
- Enable 'Remove from cart': Measures when user removes an item from a cart.
- Enable 'Purchase': Measures when user makes a sucessful payment for order.
- Enable 'View item': Measures when user is looking at some product.
- Enable 'View item list': Measures when user is looking at many products.
- Enable 'View cart': Measures when user is looking at their shopping cart.
- Enable 'Begin checkout': Measures when user is at Checkout page.
- Enable 'Add payment info': Measures when user is filling their payment information.
- Enable 'Add shipping info': Measures when user is filling their shipping information.