SEO Friendly Redirects Plugin

The SEO Friendly Redirects plugin allows your nopCommerce store to maintain its search engine rankings and provide a seamless user experience. With this plugin, you can easily redirect old URLs to new ones using various status codes, ensuring robust functionality and smooth transitions for your users.


  1. License Key: Paste your license key here. You can find plugin license key from
  2. Active: notes whether the plugin and redirects are active. By default it is marked as active.
  3. Track status code 404 (Not Found): through this checkbox, you can control whether the plugin logs the 404 errors that are logged on the site, then you can control and redirect them. By default it is marked as active. You can see all recorded errors in the menu noptech > Plugins > SEO Friendly Redirects > List of 404 errors.

URL Maps

  1. List: with all redirects configured.
  2. Import: import via Excel of bulk redirects. This allows importing a larger number at once.
  3. Export: export the currently configured templates via Excel. so you can do bulk editing.
  4. Add new: adding a new redirect. Redirects you to a new menu.
  5. Edit: edit a specific redirect. Redirects you to an edit page.
  6. Delete: delete current redirect entry.

Create new Map

  1. Request URL: request url that we expect and want to redirect
  2. URL Map Type: is a choice between two types.
    Match - compares exactly what was entered as an entry in the Request URL.
    Regex - you can use Regex for comparison in the Request URL.
  3. Use Query string: through this option, you will automatically attach the query string that comes from the Request URL. Matcha will only check the base URL without a query
  4. Target URL: is where you want to redirect the page
  5. Status Code: you choose what status code you want to redirect with. You can choose from 204, 301, 302, 303, 307, 403, 404.
  6. Store: limit this entry to a specific store
  7. Language: you choose when you want to attach Language prefix for example /en

404 Error List

  1. List: with all 404 errors.
  2. Export: of any errors you have selected or found to Excel, then you will be able to import or process them.
  3. Delete: of any errors you have found or selected.
  4. Map creating a new redirect by automatically taking the error and putting it in the Request URL.