Swift Tabs

The Swift Tabs plugin is a handy extension that streamlines product information presentation on your e-commerce website. It enables the creation of tabbed content sections within product pages, making it easy for customers to access and compare essential product details, such as specifications, reviews, related information and many more.


  1. Enabled: Enables/Disables the plugin.
  2. License key: Paste your license key here.
  3. Widget zone: The widget zone where the plugin operates.
  4. Include product description tab: Check, if you want to include the product description into tab.
  5. Include product specification tab: Check, if you want to include the product specifications into tab.
  6. Include product reviews tab: Check, if you want to include the product reviews into tab.
  7. Include contact form tab: Check, if you want to include the Contact Us into tab.
  8. Display order: The display order of the tab (used for sorting).
  9. Display name: The name of the tab that will be visible to the public store.

Creating a swift tab

To create a custom swift tab navigate to Plugins => Noptech => Swift Tabs => Manage Tabs and click Add new tab button.

  • Display name: The name of the tab that will be visible to the public store.
  • System name: System name of the tab (not visible to the public store).
  • Display order: Position of the tab (used for sorting).
  • Display: Choose the content of the tab between 3 options.
    1. Description: Means that the tab will contain only text.
    2. Widget: Means that the tab will visualize a widget.
    3. Topic: Means that the tab will render a topic page.